Thursday 14 June 2012


Madeleines, I have discovered are a bit trickier than they look.  My thoughts of 'why do you need a madeleine pan, surely a muffin tin will be fine' proved to be wrong and I have discovered exactly why a specialised tin is recommended and how important the buttering and flouring of said tin are.  However, even though my first attempt did not produce a perfectly presented product, they still tasted damn fine!   So therefore, I present to you.....


100g unsalted butter (or regular butter)
1 T golden syrup
2 eggs
1/4 C caster sugar (vanilla sugar good if you have it)
pinch salt
1/3 cup flour
1 t baking paper

Preheat oven to 170 C. 
Melt the butter and use a little to brush the madeleine tray and dust with flour
Add golden syrup to melted butter, heat until able to be well mixed, then let cool
Combine eggs, sugar and salt in cake mixer and beat until very pale
Sift in flour, BP and salt and mix until combined
Drizzle in the butter/golden syrup and mix until well combined
Refrigerate mix for at least 1 hour
Spoon the mix into each mould, almost filling to the top
Bake 10 mins until golden brown and springy to touch
Turn out onto a wire rack and cool for 10 mins then toss in caster sugar
Best eaten fresh.

So why the Madeleine pan - these little cakes are very fragile and stick quite easily to the pan.  The idea of the madeleine pan is that they are much easier to slip out rather than trying to dig out of a muffin tin.

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Creations in Blue

Here are a few of my 'creations in blue' in buttercream and blue jelly.  I'll try and recreate on a smaller scale on a cupcake in July.

Wednesday 6 June 2012

Welcome to the Narbada Bake Club

Welcome to the Narbada Bake Club

The inaugral meeting was held last night with the theme of "Petit Fours".

Here is a record of our successes (and failures) and any requested yummy recipes.